Live as people who are free,

not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil,

but living as servants of God.

1 Peter 2:16


 Don't just believe it,



Something that I have been thinking about is the importance of being a good role model.  As a Christian it is my role to show Gods love to others, whether  in a practical way by helping someone carry something or by praying for someone or just being someone people can talk to. We are all to be role models, that could be to a family member, a work colleague, someone in school or just a friend, Christian or otherwise. Our actions reflect on God, if we are walking about swearing, being horrible or just not showing God’s grace then people around us will think those things are ok or think we don’t take our faith seriously. Then on the other hand if we are walking around offering to pray for someone, not getting drunk when going out with friends or just simply being a friend to someone, them we are showing Gods love the way it should be shown. So I challenge you… I want you this month to try and do just one nice thing for someone a day, because if you do one nice thing for someone everyday this month that will be 31 people you have helped, 31 lives you could change. All it takes is a smile or hug to brighten up someone's day, you don’t know what's going on in their head, you could of just saved a life.

Be Gods disciples! Show his love!   

-  Chloe Willis -



Jesus anointed at Bethany - Matt  26:14-25

“For I, the Son of Man, must die, as the Scriptures declared long ago.

But how terrible it will be for my betrayer.

Far better for him if he had never been born!”

Matt 26:24

Jesus knew that His time had come and that he would be betrayed, arrested, beaten and crucified.  For anyone who has watched the passion of the Christ or just contemplated the scenes of the crucifixion, this was a gruesome prospect and yet in this moment Jesus makes a massive declaration that we must hear and take notice of.

While Jesus declares His death His mind is not just considering His own future. His mind turns to the future of His betrayer and says how terrible it will be for Judas—such that it would have been better if he had never been born.

There’s something worse than death! There’s something worse than being beaten and crucified.  And that is to die in sin, outside of friendship with Christ.  You can hear Jesus’ heart in His words.

These words highlight the seriousness of living and dying without Christ.

Jesus loves you, gave himself for you!

Don’t let anything lead you away from him to live for anything or anyone else.  Judas allowed 30 pieces of silver to win his loyalty over the love of Christ.  Let’s learn from Judas’ life choices and live passionate sold out lives for Christ who passionately lived and died that we may do so!


Please pray for every child and young person who is taking part in exams the next few months. In our church alone we have people sitting SATS, GCSE’s, A-Levels and exams for  degrees. Also can we pray for any parents and teachers who are in charge and caring for people with exams and that they can give the support that our young people need to build a future.



At the beginning of the 19th century many soldiers could not read so, in 1818 in the Woolwich garrison, Christians went to read the Scriptures to the troops. As time went on this ministry was extended to the Airforce and in 1950 the name Soldiers and Airmens’ Scripture Readers Association was adopted. All Leaders have served in the armed services and are committed Christians and gifted evangelists.  They are trained and assessed before being deployed to a station with the agreement of the Ministry of Defence. Their ministry is one of personal evangelism.  Subject to Chaplains and Commanding Officers' permission they visit soldiers and airmen in their accommodation, work and recreation areas.  This is done with a view to befriending them and introducing them to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Their mission is very important among those who may be called upon to lay down their lives for their country.




Please pray for:

1.     .  For all the Scripture Readers that God would bless and guide them by His Spirit.

2.  That God will comfort and strengthen the families who have lost loved ones.

3.  For all the literature given out that the Lord would use it to save souls.

4.  For good relationships between the Scripture Readers and the Chaplains/ Commanding Officers.

5.  For good health and safety for all Scripture Readers and particularly for Matthew Glass who has a lot of driving to do at this time of the year.



If you would like to give to Missions just put your Missions gift in an envelope marked Missions and drop it in collection any time along with your offerings. Each month, you can read a little more about Christian Mission organisations and what they do.




> for David John’s recovery

> For Lydia and Kris’ continued recovery .

> for Ceri’s family  (especially 11th May, Ceri’s birthday)

>For Margaret’s family (especially 26th May, Margaret’s birthday)

>for Liz Savage (Tumour)





CICC Event – Designer Babies – Who Decides?

Tuesday 17th May @ 7.30pm at Waterfront Church

Tickets available from:



Don't miss it!

Please read minutes prior to meeting!

Please note that any matters arising or any other business is to be submitted to Chris one week prior to the AGM (By the 18/05/16).




3rd Gaynor Davies

5th Benjamin

17th Lilly Mae Walker

19th Carwyn James

19th Pam Thomas

20th John Nash

24th Barbara Evans

27th Barbara Thomas

31st Paul Aspland



20th May

Mark & Tracey





10:30am - Morning Service

3:30pm - O-Zone Family Service


7:30pm - 16/05/16 - Life Lounge (18+)


7:00pm - Prayer Meeting

04/05/16  - Mission Focus

18/05/16 - Kids/Youth Focus


9:15am - 11:15am - Coffee Morning


7pm-8pm- R-GEN (11+)

8pm-9pm- R-GEN After Hours